Zeiss measuring machine

Medical components, parts for safety engineering or housings for industrial computers – those products and even more BVS Blechtechnik manufactures meticulous on numerus CNC machines. To meet the high quality requirements relating to position tolerance for sample parts BVS Blechtechnik uses a second coordinate measuring machine – the Zeiss Contura – since harvest. This measuring machine documents economically and quickly adherence to standards for parts and modules. Read more

TV Schwerin youtube topping-out ceremony

Take a look inside: Further settlement in the Schwerin Industrial Park Read more

System technology topping-out ceremony

On October 6, 2017, the shareholders of the newly founded BVS Systemtechnik celebrated the topping-out ceremony of the new plant with guests from politics and business. From next spring, 20 skilled workers will be producing sheet metal products for technical applications.

The Minister President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Manuela Schwesig, was delighted about the emergence of a new employer in the region: “With BVS Systemtechnik, the next company is moving into the region and we are creating 1,000 jobs here at the Schwerin Industrial Park. Not only is there space for investment, Schwerin also has many skilled workers,” emphasized the head of government. Read more

Shell BVS Systemtechnik

The excavators and cranes have not stood still at Schwerin Industrial Park since August…

… They are building the new BVS Systemtechnik plant, which will produce sheet metal products for technical applications next spring. The shell of the entrance and administration area is already in place and the foundation walls of the 3,000 m² production and storage hall have been erected. By October 6, construction has progressed so far that the first milestone of the young company is celebrated with a topping-out ceremony. Together with Minister President Schwesig and Economics Minister Glawe, the new company building is inaugurated with a topping-out crown. “We are delighted to be setting up this production facility in Schwerin. With the great potential of skilled workers from the region, we are sure that we will be able to set up a modern company that will develop into a strong pillar of our group of companies in the long term,” announces Harald Steiner, Managing Director of BVS Systemtechnik. Read more

BVS in running fever

…colleagues with a total of 2654 runners at the popular running event. A record-breaking 17% of the BVS workforce took part and achieved great times: Our fastest athlete, Torsten M., crossed the finish line after 4.8 km in a smooth 18 minutes. Jacqueline K. came in 11th among all women with a time of over 19 minutes. Read more

Night of education

The event starts at 3:30 p.m. at the IHK with a short kick-off event. From here, the free shuttle bus will take you to the eight participating businesses in Böblingen.
Take the bus to BVS Blechtechnik on the Hulb. Our apprentices will show you the machines on which they are trained during their apprenticeship as construction mechanics. Take the opportunity to take a look inside our production halls: at the impressive punching/laser machines, bending robots and CNC press brakes or the complex assembly area. You will learn the most important processes for producing sheet metal components and housings for a wide range of technical applications. Read more

Career information market Herrenberg

Vocational training is an ideal way to enter the world of work. This was demonstrated by over 50 companies and educational institutions offering a wide range of professions at the careers information market at the Jerg-Ratgeb-Realschule last weekend in Herrenberg. Read more

BVS Systemtechnik was founded

After a prosperous year 2016 BVS Blechtechnik in Böblingen steps on and assures success for the future. That means to expand with customers and to increase capacity. Thus BVS Blechtechnik GmbH and family Steiner formed the subsidiary BVS Systemtechnik GmbH in Schwerin in the end of February. Mostly airseat assemblies will be produced in strategic partnership with the airseat manufacturer ZIM. Beside this core area the affiliated company in Schwerin will focus on small batch series of sheet metal products as well as on new orders in Northern Germany. Read more

Swiss Machine Market reports

Have a read: Read more

Donation Gandhi Club

Following our donation to the Gandhi Club Germany e.V. in December 2016, we received the following moving card from Mr. Forster, the chairman of the Gandhi Club: Read more