Our service package for your project in sheet metal
Your product is in good hands with us. This is ensured by our experienced employees in technical customer consulting, order processing, technical development, purchasing, production planning and quality management.
Together with you and your BVS contact persons, we coordinate the product specifications for economical production and implementation in sheet metal. You can benefit from our 30 years of expertise in the implementaion of cross-sector solutions.
We develop a feasibility analysis for your individual requirements. This includes checking the supplied production data, processing the 3D data for production, planning the process-safe production and purchasing the required materials and parts. In mutual coordination, we optimise your wishes and costs and pass on our experiences in sheet metal processing and assembly. You can of course rely on our high quality level.
We monitor your placed orders with regard to the timely production in the desired delivery quantities. Your product finally reaches you via your defined logistics concept.

Feasibility analysis
Feasibility analysis
Examination of the supplied production data, processing of the 3D data, planning of the process-safe production and purchase of the required materials

Customer service
We are looking forward to your questions! Write to our support team.